The Manipulations on Social Sites

The Manipulations on Social Sites

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For a long time I’ve been trying to warn that numbers of likes, views and followers on social sites are all manipulated. As we can see on the above video, there are what they call “click farms” — that is, “click manufacturing” companies usually in poor countries like China, Philippines, India, etc. —, where people are hired to daily serve as handlers in order to manipulate public opinion through influencers manufactured by them and promoted in this fabricated manner. All this effort is to influence what people believe, pay attention to and value! Don’t fall into these traps and don’t allow yourself to be manipulated by anyone, especially those who don’t have your best interests at heart but theirs only!

Knowing this now, are you still going to care and value the number of likes, views and followers one has? It’s ALL manipulated! Why do they do it? To control you and what you think!

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