The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You

The Kingdom of Heaven Is Within You

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What does the following statement mean?

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” ~ Luke 17:21

It means you can trust your Inner Being, that soundless voice within you, to guide you and to take care of you!

“When you are concentrating upon destructive elements, you lose on two points. You reinforce the destructive qualities by the very act of concentrating upon them, and you rob yourselves of the constructive qualities that you could be concentrating upon, and therefore that you COULD be reinforcing. …

The man who is capable of joy is capable, to a large extent, of changing the world.

“You of all people should realize that when valid concern for world problems turns into an obsession with world injustices that wipes out all, or threatens to wipe out all personal enjoyment, then trouble is on the way. For enjoyment is a weapon.”

SETH – The Early Sessions: Book 3: Session 143, April 5, 1965 📖

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