Reading of Donald Trump’s Hand

Reading of Donald Trump’s Hand

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We can determine whether a person has genius intelligence using Palmistry. In the video below, we see a long Line of Head in Donald Trump’s hand, in addition to other significant marks.

Additional meanings

  1. A long Head Line indicates extraordinary intelligence. The longer it is, the greater the intelligence.
  2. A long Mercury Finger¹ indicates extraordinary intelligence. The longer this finger, the greater the intelligence.
  3. A Curvature in the Mercury Finger towards the Sun Finger indicates talent in persuasion.
  4. A Life Line that begins at the Mount of Jupiter indicates a great ambition totally fulfilled.
  5. uniform base of the Fingers indicates a successful life.
  6. Star on Mount of Jupiter indicates satisfied ambitions.
  7. Parallel Line to the Life Line indicates divine protection.
  8. Saturn Line bifurcated at the beginning, with one branch leaving the Mount of Venus and the other leaving the Mount of Moon, indicates a career in the public sector and with support and/or association of the bearer’s family. The (a) fading and (b) break in the Saturn Line on this hand indicate (a) an unstable career change after the age of 35 and (b) a consistent one after the age of 55.

¹ A normal length for the Mercury Finger is when its tip reaches the base of the first phalange of the Sun (or ring) Finger. If it reaches above that line, then is considered a long finger, in spite of being a hand of short fingers. The longer the finger, the more mental capacity.

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