To the Intruder or Sanitizing Astral Body, Siderius
I know that powerful forces move it, I know that its 6,000-year cycle is necessary and I also know that it is automatic.
I am here today to talk to you, with your aura, with your [ethereal] double, just to tell you that if you are ready to destroy our Solar System, our Cosmos, our Universe, we will also be prepared to fight to the last strength in order to reject your damage, whether it be material (destruction of planets), destruction of men, or spiritual (destruction of the spirit).
I know that this trail of destruction that you leave is not your fault, I know that if there is such destruction, it is only done by affinities — that is, you with your negative aura pass through the Systems and whoever is vibrating in favor of it will be attracted; this happens among humans, among animals, from the largest among them to the smallest insect, among plants, among minerals, in short, among everything that exists within an Orb.
Of course, the metamorphosis of things, and especially of man, will be necessary, because in order to live in higher worlds or even on the future Earth, we will need a more suitable body or physique within an Orb that has also been metamorphosed in its atmosphere. But I must also tell you that this metamorphosis must be processed harmoniously without causing irreparable damage.
Since we were created, generated by the Central Cosmic Core, in the condition of using our strength, always in the direction of progress (that is why there are few who are generated directly from the Nucleus-Core), of harmony, so that we could generate sparks, if not a copy, but a semi-copy of our own. If some were poorly generated and they were, there is the result on Earth, there is also the reason for your trajectory, the reason for your passing, but as I said above, we will fight until the end, we will not give any of our children to you, whoever they may be, on a silver platter.
I am not dueling with you mentally or verbally, but merely having a friendly dialogue. You will cause us great destruction, but at the same time, great good, but we will all be ready to act in order to alleviate the situation.
The Sidereal Engineers who rule the Universe and automatically rule you, have given us free-will since the beginning of time, the carte blanche to act in order to reject you, not totally, it will be partially or even a quarter of the time, but we will act.
The movement in Space, whatever Space it may be, is very great, it has already begun, many things are changing and a more active process is taking place. Now I call on the men incarnated on Earth, no matter what planet they are from, to also act. How? First, by abhorring the three main negative elements: hatred, envy and selfishness.
It is so easy to love. Just as the Sun gathers all the germs of life and destroys all useless substances, love attracts all that is good and repels evil, love is the feeling that leads the way to other good sentiments. Love unites all atoms and all bodies. It is through the bonds of a loving chain that all the great celestial bodies are held in space. Love protects men and keeps humanity harmonious. Love prevents war and transforms our existence into a thousand languages, but in a single feeling.
When we direct loving thoughts to people, identical loving forces will fall upon ourselves. Instead of waiting for the world to be the first to love us, let us love the world first. The personal magnetism that so many people boast about is nothing more or less than the mental force emitted by a person of admirable loving strength towards us and vice versa.
If we have an enemy, we should not treat him as such; we should not address him with the same mental forces that he addresses us, but rather, we should direct thoughts of Love and Fraternity to him and let these thoughts envelop him so much that he will surely not resist the impulse of our loving energy, until one day this enemy becomes a firm supporter and intimate friend and collaborator of ours.
Thoughts are elevated forms faster than modern jets, they obey the laws of the Universe, according to which each thing engenders its like. Thoughts return to us by paths that do not go astray, everything that has come out of our mind and much more. Therefore, friends, let us fulfill the wise words of the Master: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate and despise you”, because in this way tongues of fire will descend upon their heads.
~ Ramatís
Message recorded by C. A. Yezzi on June 1, 1980 at 11:45 p.m. in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil