The Birth of The Divine Laws – Akashic Records – Karma – Dharma (Destinies)

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Sent by KORPKENS, leader of the planet (Guestras) Neptune

Captured and written by Domingos Yezzi on December 8, 2012 at 7:00PM in São Paulo, Brazil

Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault on December 11, 2012 at 8:00PM in Lake City, Florida, USA

The Divine Justice

The Central Cosmic Core — God — in Its immense power and infinite wisdom, Him/Her/It himself/herself/itself fruit of millions, of billions of micro particles and each one containing Its own vibratory tonus, personal, individual and Its peculiar magnetic radiation, after billions of years for Its agglutination and, therefore, for Its intelligent formation, began Its propagation within Itself to the universal vastness of all undulatory and vibratory particles, respective to the peculiarity of each “habitat” and Its interior and exterior, Its “inhabitants,” ranging from the micro atoms of physical matter, visible, or condensed energy in the third dimension, passing through the Elements and their respective Elementals to the intelligent spark of the crudest human being and humanoid, in conformity to each respective “habitat”, its Suns and Planets, Galaxies and Quasars (Black Holes), nebulas and other components of the visible (Sidereal) and invisible (Cosmic) Universe.

These magnetized particles came forming the radioactive magnetic fields, resulting in the stimulation and the generation of the Light of the Galaxies and their billions of Suns and planets, also resulting in the isolation and grouping of their cells and, therefore, gave birth, or sprout, the Absolute Vacuum between the stellar bodies. Therefore, each Galactic grouping, each Solar System, each Planet and even the Quasars (Black Holes), by its own movement, systole and diastole, magnetic attraction and repulsion, negative and positive, has and always had around itself millions, billions, trillions and even more immeasurable distances of Absolute Vacuum in order to allow the unharmed, free passage of cosmic and magnetic radiation, in addition to the movements of expansion of the galaxies within the Universe, without them shocking with each other and in continuous and infinite growth.

Therefore, without the existence of empty spaces, which are the belts of vacuums that ensure the turned off passage of radiating light, which rekindles only within each “habitat”, galaxies, suns and planets, there would not be the manifestation of Light and neither would be possible [for] interstellar journeys by interplanetary spaceships moved by magnetic energy. And these are the allied irradiations, or radiations, to the specific vibrations of each body, of each atom or particle within the Cosmic-Sidereal space that comes to form or to produce THE COSMIC-SIDEREAL LAWS, THE AKASHIC RECORDS, THE KHARMA, THE DHARMA (DESTINY) — THE DIVINE JUSTICE — embracing everything and everyone.

Thus, in this way, the whole Universe came to be magnetized, with its poles, Positive, Neutral and Negative, which will arbitrate upon those that produce light, promote Creation, the harmonization, the expansion, the knowledge and the like, the possibility to raise their vibratory field, that would be the Positive ones, that will arbitrate on those that are intermediaries only to facilitate the passage from one field to another. The Absolute Vacuums are the Neutral ones. Even in between the intra-atomic spaces, between the nucleus atom and its electrons, there are the neutrons, or the vacuum, which allows the passage of radiation from the nucleus to the electrons, and this atomic grouping forms the cells and these form a physical body. And these intra-atomic and intracellular radiations produce the physical or human heat in permanent 36.5°C, the same physical-chemistry ration that takes place in the Sun, which is a cold star (already mentioned in the book of this sensitive medium), as well as all the stars are cold Suns; will arbitrate on those who produce the shadows, the darkness, the destruction, the quasars (black holes), the diseases, the imbalances, the disharmony and are the antithesis of light, which are the Negative ones.

Therefore, after this phase of Creation, it was formed a circle, or a cosmic magnetic universal ring, invisible, vibratory giant, I would say, in size and scope, infinite, through which nothing passes or transpasses, when everything is filtered, barred and returned to each one as it was produced, according to Its actions, be It in whichever planet or sun It is within the universe, in any corner or nook, and even in the hidden privacy of Its mind. Everything returns to its producer, in weight, in quantity and intensity in the same proportion to what was produced. Like a gigantic radar, the waves it emits follow its target or reverberate around in the Great Magnetic Universal Ring and return to him/her, bringing in its wave beam all the affinities and animosities, positive, neutral or negative, exactly in the same intensity and proportion they were produced. That is, there is no way these waves return to catch another radar transmitter, for this was who produced them and is in his/her same tune. Everything will be unloaded on him/her, both good and evil, in time and in accurate measure. Distinguished only by the type of “habitat” in which he/she lives, that is, if the “habitat” is Earth, or similar to her, where the time of life, or the average life’s length, compared to other orbs, is relatively short, then he/she will be picked up in the next life, as many as necessary for his/her spiritual energy detoxification. Hence the sentence of the terrestrial Master-of-Masters: “Not one leaf shall fall without the Father knowing.” Everything is summed up in vibration, frequency, tune, with the Main Source, the great universal broadcaster, whose dial (or channels or tracks switch) extends in all frequencies, medium, short, long, ultra short, modulated, from the micro frequency of the human brain as [from] the frequencies of the fauna and flora of any planet to the highest frequency within each universal “habitat” or “inhabitant,” from the center of the universe to the most distant regions of the universal periphery; capturing all of them and simultaneously emitting all of them, regardless of civilization advancements or regressions, neither creed, race, color or preferences, nor nationality and in our case I would say, “neither planetivity.” The name of this broadcaster, or central station of constant and eternal vibration, is CENTRAL COSMIC CORE, more commonly called between the earth beings as God, which has no face, countenance, feature, stature, neither eyes or mouth, nor human or humanoid biotype, It’s a immeasurable COSMIC SUN — A GREAT INTELLIGENT CORE.

This state of objective universal consciousness produces THE ETERNAL PRESENT, nullifying the Past, Present and Future. All that the human being can imagine to invent or create is already invented and created, already exists within the Cosmic Central Core and Its Laws, even the TIME which is universally inviolable and indivisible, is also already created, [and] only manifests itself with the emergence of the Human Intelligence in all the planets and its continued evolutionary progress!

KORPKENS, leader of the planet (Guestras) Neptune, through Domingos Yezzitranslated by Christina Breault


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