The Age of The Soul
How to know the age of the soul by using Vedic Astrology?
In Vedic Astrology we can know the approximate age of the soul based on the degree of the AtmaKaraka. AtmaKaraka, according to the Jaimini system of Vedic Astrology, is the planet that represents the Soul and its lesson to be learned in this incarnation. Atma means Soul and Karaka means Significator; therefore, this planet is the Significator of the Soul.
AtmaKaraka is identified on the Vedic chart by the planet with the highest degree. Depending on this degree, the table below can be used to find out what approximate age the soul has at the stage of this incarnation. Its purpose in this incarnation, which is a separate topic, is known according to the nature of the planet which is the AtmaKaraka on a person’s chart.
Age of the AtmaKaraka Planet | Degree of Planet Comparative to Age |
Infant to Child | 00:01—00:59 |
Youth to Teenager | 01:00—05:59 |
Adult | 06:00—17:59 |
Mature | 18:00—25:59 |
Old | 26:00—30:00 |
In the example below, we can see that the AtmaKaraka is Jupiter at 27:08 degrees of Capricorn and is, therefore, an Old Soul. The higher the degree, the higher the karma, either good or bad depending on the whole of the entire horoscope.