Tarot Is Consultation with Fallen Angels
Fortunately, I was never very interested in Tarot, except out of curiosity. I came to the conclusion, without any doubt, that tarot is nothing-more-nothing-less than consulting with fallen angels — just like what is done in “spiritism” sessions (through ritual dancing) to consult with fallen entities; which are the demons mentioned in the Bible (Satuno Satan, etc.) taking possession of humans on Earth.
We can trust our Inner Being that alerts us when any feeling of doubt arises within us. Now I understand the basis of why I was never very interested in this practice, because I don’t have an energetic affinity with fallen angels, although they try, but I have control of my Self and the decisions to entice me are mine, not theirs or anyone else’s. I will no longer delve into this science, now no longer occult to me. This website will no contain anything about Tarot any more.
The Basis of Tarot
On Wikipedia we read that tarot cards emerged in the fifteenth century, so it is not an ancient science like the ones left to us by the ET Vedas more than five thousand years ago, as Jyotisha.
“Tarot cards emerged between the 15th and 16th centuries in northern Italy, and were created for a game of the same name, which was played by nobles and lords of the most traditional houses in continental Europe. The tarot (also known as tarot, tarocco, tarocchi, tarocchini, tarock and other similar names) is characteristically a set of seventy-eight cards composed of twenty-one trump cards, a Joker and four sets of suits with fourteen cards each, ten cards numbered and four figures (one more per suit than the Portuguese-speaking deck). “Tarot cards are widely used in Europe in card games, such as the Italian Tarocchini and the French Tarot. In Portuguese-speaking countries, where this game is quite unknown, tarot cards are used mainly for divinatory purposes, for which the trump cards and the joker are known as major arcana and the fifty-six suit cards are minor arcana. The divinatory meanings are mainly derived from KABBALA — a mystical aspect of Judaism — and medieval alchemy.” ~ Wikipedia
Interestingly, the word Tarot appears to be derived from the word Torah, which is the Jewish “bible.” Knowing that Kabbalah is Satanism, we can without any doubt conclude that it is in fact consultation with the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible and held in Kabbalah as teachers — the demons they worship and to whom they make blood sacrifices.
There is, therefore, no doubt that this divinatory practice of consulting the Tarot cards is the same as consulting the demons, as only they are the basis of what is said by the cards since there is no other basis, as we have in Astro-Palmistry whose basis of predictions are planets visible in the sky and/or lines indisputably printed on the hand!