“New Year” Expectations

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Incredible Books Through Shaman & Channeler Robert Shapiro

Sharing a valuable teaching by the Spirit of SETH:

“Now: I wish you Merry New Year, into which I hope you manage to insert a touch of lightheartedness now and then.

Now if I were you, making a list of resolutions, my list would include feelings and attitudes. Things to do are well and good but the feelings and attitudes are, shall we say, at least as important.

I would not presume to make a list of resolutions for you. But in an imaginative endeavor, this is what I pretend I would list if I were you. Though this is a new year, there is nothing really new about the list.

  1. I will approve of myself, my characteristics, my abilities, my likes and dislikes, my inclinations and disinclinations, realizing that these form my unique individuality. They are given me for a reason.
  2. I will approve of and rejoice in my accomplishments and I will be as vigorous in listing these – as rigorous in remembering them – as I have ever been in remembering and enumerating my failures or lacks of accomplishment.
  3. I will remember the creative framework of existence in which I have my being. Therefore the possibilities, potentials, seeming miracles, and joyful spontaneity of Framework 2 will be in my mind, so that the doors to creative living are open.
  4. I will realize that the future is a probability. In terms of ordinary experience, nothing exists there yet. It is virgin territory, planted by my feelings and thoughts in the present. Therefore I will plant accomplishments and successes, and I will do this by remembering that nothing can exist in the future that I do not want to be there.”

~ SETH, January 1,1979


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