How Worlds Come into Existence?

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Since God is the Cosmic Central Nucleus, He spreads His thinking-rays from Himself to all quadrants of the Universe, which I will call Sparks here.

These sparks, through differentiation of micro-pulsations, at the moment of their generation have one plus (+) or minus (-) “Y” so that, when they seek their casings (bodies) in their “habitats,” they choose female or male genetics. Here I am not referring to sex, because in most advanced planets their inhabitants are asexual, that is, despite having the differentiation between man and woman, male and female, masculine and feminine, they do not have sex, which is why the sparks in these cases seek to approach individuals whose genetic chains are more similar to them. Because in all the worlds that I have seen and in which I have had contact with their inhabitants, I have always distinguished the female gender from the male, both by their delicate mannerisms, delicate contour lines, and mainly by their maternal instinct. Compared to women on Earth, the female gender of these asexual inhabitants is more delicate, even though they do not have the “sculptural contours” of women on Earth. And men, despite having their own characteristics, are much more delicate than men on Earth, but are nevertheless very masculine in the true sense of the word.

There are advanced planets and others in evolution, inhabited only by hermaphrodites, that is, containing the feminine and masculine genders in the same body, despite being asexual, and on planets in evolution, there are those inhabited by hermaphrodites who are both male and female. In these cases, the physical contours and aesthetics vary greatly, but I was able to observe the predominance of rational and material delicacy, as well as male touch and responsibility. They are ambiguous beings that, for Earthlings, would arouse astonishment and incomprehension. But the Cosmic Central Nucleus God, composed of millions of intelligences that have been forming over billions and billions of years, through self-transformation, spontaneous generation, self-deformation, is not concerned with the Unnatural that is a consequence of the Natural, that is, the Central Nucleus acts naturally expanding itself through its thinking rays or sparks that follow in search of inhabiting a “habitat”. The “habitat” or world that was naturally formed before, acquires characteristics of attraction, absorption, repulsion of its like and unlike ones; thus, each spark is attracted to the periphery of that world that attracted it, remaining there for several centuries, polishing the physical environment and the psychospheres around and within it, which will allow it to flicker into a physical or energetic life form, tangible or intangible, with arms, legs, trunk and head, eyes, ears, circulatory systems, respiratory systems, nerves, muscles and veins, intestines or stomach bags, or just a flame, a strong light that feeds on the Greater Source, The Divine Plan. Each spark will form its own “habitat” with the others that are similar to it and, while the work of astral polishing is slowly carried out, thus forming the so-called “spiritual” regions, where the angels, archangels, and spirits of great magnitude will be located, which will open the way for the sparks that will inhabit the soil, the planetary crust will undergo environmental mutations that will give rise to a type of rational and progressive life, always aiming to return to its creative source, the Central Nucleus.

The separation the chaff from the wheat – Compiled by contactee Domingos Yezzi and digitized by Chris Breault

In this way, the worlds will originate with their own characteristics and those that are naturally coarser will have the chance to be elevated to the worlds immediately superior to them, which were also formed naturally and so on. When the sparks manage to inhabit their own “habitats” and achieve faster progress, they will serve as “teachers” for the most backward ones, who in turn will serve as atonement or purge for those backward sparks that were unable to harmonize and even disharmonized their “habitats”. These will be forced to go to the lower worlds or “habitats” and give their examples of life and knowledge there. However, many times, these sparks become rebellious and negative, and turn against their superiors and their Creator, transforming themselves into the “fallen angels” or demons, and other similar beings that they are called by those who inhabit those lower worlds, and who, because they are inferior, begin to worship them and be dominated by them, who in their anger and negativity transform that “habitat” into total chaos and then force the Sidereal Engineers, sparks that like them had the same origin but have reached elevation more firmly, place a drainage or purge system through a planet like Siderius, “collector of negatives” and promote a cleaning and sanitation of the lower “habitats”. Earth is considered today one of these lower planets where there will be a large mass of purged [sparks] to “habitats” even more rudimentary than her.

After the sparks settle in the peripheral regions of the “habitat” to which they were attracted and there for thousands of years they promote the “status quo” to inhabit it, they begin to descend towards the crust or the seas in search of the future organism with which they will cover themselves (in the case of Earth, it is certain that the first organic origin was through amphibians that live both in water and on land and not only from the monkey that may be a later, karmic-evolutive branch of the terrestrial being). Upon finding it, the “incorporation” of the spark then occurs, which through pulsations begins to give the chosen organism the first signs of personality, rationality, group direction, of its own will, independent of those of the same species that were not incorporated, and after thousands of years of “fusions and confusions” it begins to acquire a humanoid form in the case of planets like Earth, and other forms, in the case of more subtle or less dense and rudimentary planets. Then comes the primate, the “homosapiens” and others. In this state, the morphological processes begin, where beings from more evolved planets arrive, making the necessary crosses with females in order to genetically strengthen the being. These are called “blood injections”, thus forming what I call the “genetic meridian;” branch where we will find several beings in several and indefinite generations with the same characteristics of traits, customs, mannerisms, and other details, which are not just the “family tree” known to science, since this preferably includes ancestors and in the “genetic meridian” we will find beings of different races, countries opposite in location, distant, but where people are similar in everything and do almost the same things, or the same mannerisms and behaviors.

When the Sparks leave the Central Nucleus, they are still brutalized, raw and virgin, which is why they need to pre-adapt in the psychospheres of their future habitats and only much later are they “born” in their new organisms or shells and begin the journey of planetary exploration, life itself. It is then that they are governed by the Karmic Laws that will measure their actions and reactions, forcing them to remain or not in that stage of evolution, always allowing them to use their free will, but forcing them to “obligatorily reap what they sowed,” if positive they reap positive, if negative they reap negative, and so on in all other details and nuances of life. Always seeking their refinements, their ascensions back to the Central Nucleus, and when, after thousands or millions of years of arduous ascension, they reach the Nucleus, they return to being God, or Sidereal Engineers who sow and control everything in the Universe, more especially the sector, the Cosmic Meridian where they passed, lived and became specialists. Such as Gósbolau, which is located in the Centrifuge Galaxy, a hundred million light years away from us, but is responsible for Our Solar System.

Contrary to the exclusivist thinking of Science, I would say that in every place in the Universe there could be space for a rational spark or thinking ray that is spread from the Central Nucleus, therefore, as the spark itself makes its “habitat” and the “habitat” makes the spark, the Earth is just one more among these trillions of places and, by the way, a tiny place. As the sparks go to all quadrants, they may very well also end up lodged in the worlds of “quasars”, or black holes, and if the place contains negative energy or the anti-matter of the Universe, these may have an immense negative potential and if they escape from those places, they promote the harmonic imbalance of the Universe. Therefore, in my opinion, and analyzing what my extraterrestrial friends say, those with whom I maintain contact, the sparks leave the Nucleus, like rough diamonds to be polished, and the polishing takes place within the “habitats” to which they were attracted and in them they sparkle life and its ascension back to the Central Core to once again participate in the creation of the Universe, no longer as creatures, but as Creators.

But the question would be: Why is this entire journey necessary for the evolutionary circle, like a “perpetual motion machine” if the spark could remain within the Nucleus and evolve there?

Because the Cosmic Central Nucleus-God is expansion, dynamic creation, continuous mutation and the spark seconds after being spread loses its Central vibratory content, and loses more and more as it advances into the Universe and distances itself from its Emitter. It is as if it were “very hot” in the Core, and upon leaving it gradually “cooled” until it stopped in the “habitat” to which it was attracted.

A simple example so that the reader can better visualize what I am saying, just think of a radium stone or any other radioactive or non-radioactive material, such as a common light bulb. It would be as if we wanted radiation or the photons emitted from each of those sources, whether they returned or not, would leave the radioactive nucleus or the photon emitter. Impossible, because once emitted, there is no return, and if we were to place a reflective mirror coated with lead in front of the emitting nucleus, the radioactive or photonic particles would hit the mirror and, upon returning, would collide with the other particles that were being emitted. Both would collide and deviate from each other, forming holes or spots, as in the soil, and when they collided, they would seek the periphery of their emitting nucleus and would appear to us as flames due to the large quantity and great continuity of the emissions.

Another example, somewhat “simplistic”, but which portrays well what I mean is that of wanting to make the sperm return to the scrotum after ejaculation. Impossible. And even if we put it back inside, by artificial means, it would no longer be the same, it would have already cooled down, died and could spread the death of the others inside it. I looked for this example because it is part of the daily life of human beings.

And the elementals? Are they sparks too? How do they originate? Where do they come from?

In the same way that the sparks that leave the Central Nucleus seek their “habitat” in keeping with their vibratory content, the elementals, rational sparks that they are also, seek in the element of nature, which forms their “habitat”, the manifestation of their physical being or their biotypical vehicle to explore their environment. Some are formed from trees and forests; others from the waters of the seas, from the waters of rivers; others from fire, others from the grossest, most grotesque and even macabre environments, others from the air, etc.

Many of these elementals are, so to speak, forms, thoughts of human beings who lived there for hundreds of years and disincarnated there. They are as if they were radiations of more rudimentary sparks that only maintained contact with the elements and with the nature of the “habitat” and their own being that leads them to seek their magnetism, consistent with their vibratory content.

Even today, the gnomes, elementals of the caves, of the stones of the mines, still appear to us dressed in medieval times, because they emerged at that time and remain as they originated. Others are from more remote times, but from what I have been able to assess, they are disappearing or being transferred to other places within the planet or to another planet as times change in their natural “habitat.” They are fruits of the environment and the thinking environment of the time and of a people. Once this environment, this time, and this combined thought have passed, they disappear. They do not die, they simply go on to live in their respective psychospheres that do not change or are transported to planets where they can manifest themselves freely. It is clear that modern elementals must be emerging, accustomed to the new environment, which has already been completely altered, where the devastation of the ecosystem prevails, where the more robotic human being no longer has the same care and respect for his “habitat”, where crime, drugs, and vices of all kinds also prevail. From this gloomy and sometimes macabre and inhuman environment, elementals inevitably emerge, springing from this environment and, aided by the mental strength of current humanity and the brutalized sparks, profiting from this situation of prevailing chaos.

There are also cases, although reduced, of sparks that inhabited human bodies and that, due to inhospitable and unexpected circumstances, and disenchantment with the human world (the case of that entity named ZAIDA whose upper body is a woman and the lower part a serpent’s tail), begin to adopt the elemental environment where they had to live and disincarnate. And there are cases of very intelligent animals that manage to climb the steps of the elemental spark, to continue their evolution.

But there are also cases of karmic aberrations among human sparks, who, due to very negative actions in their past, are reincarnated as human beings, but, with the mediumship of transfiguration, under the influence of lunar magnetism, transform into animals, mainly werewolves, vampires and others, but these are not considered elementals, they are, in fact, carriers of a heavy toxic karma that forces them to wander the nights as the living dead. Likewise, entities from the lower astral, such as Pombas-Giras, Exús, [entities of Brazilian folklore] and others that suck the fluids of sexual pleasure, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, diseases in general, gambling and prostitution environments, morbid environments, crime environments, trickery, treasonous sectors, prisons, mental hospitals, in short, negative spheres and psychospheres, are not considered elementals, despite living and vampirizing addicts and their vices. Although I have detected several types of pernicious elementals that also spring from these environments and feed on the fluids and miasmas generated there. Such entities, often very ancient, possessing both great wisdom and mastery of evil forces, are nothing more than those sparks I spoke of earlier that, revolted against everything and everyone, especially against the Creator, went from Elevated Angels to Fallen Angels, carrying their perispirits and those of their pseudo-victims, most of the time their former tormentors, with a high level of negative toxins that no longer allow them to return to what they were, except through great draining sufferings that they will irremediably, sooner or later, have to face. They will have to spontaneously forgive, be forgiven and, above all, forgive themselves.

Therefore, we find elementals of all natures and all types of behavior, such as: kind and helpful behavior, malicious and negative behavior, mocking behavior that does evil and good at the same time or does neither, passive, defensive, and neutral behavior, but, when it comes to elementals, almost all of them are pure and products of their environment, and can be controlled by minds more powerful than theirs. In fact, they are often used by larger entities as instruments of physical effects on human nature and the ecosystem.

However, it is important to note that these entities are also very useful in reversing work or correcting evil or disharmonies practiced by others or by themselves. It is the rational utility of the negative employed by the Superior Entities.

Domingos Yezzi
São Paulo, November 27, 1995


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