Will Jesus Return?

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Hi Domingos, how’s everything?

I saw an interview with you (I believe in the Enigmas Show) where you say that Jesus will not return here on this planet, which, to me personally is irrelevant (since your revelations about Jesus Christ have put this issue of Christ/Christianity fully clarified and resolved within me, with no need to dwell on the subject), but I still have some friends and family members intolerably fanatics who follow these biblical “teachings” blindly and live in this vain hope. What could you tell me about this — why He will not return — so that I can share with others. I intend to translate this your answer also needed among the Americans.

Hugs and I’m very grateful in advance!

Christina Breault


Dear Christina,

I will reveal to you and to whoever wants to believe, however, the written proofs I have I do not wish to make public because they are personal and, as you’ve noticed, my revelations are incisive and decisive, and I would not want to cause other disturbances, at least at the moment.

I have messages, personal, in writing, with the heading and terminology in Aramaic, coming directly from Him, which I cherish with affection and, if I am already considered “somewhat out of orbit” for everything I’ve revealed in my books and on our website, imagine if I put forth everything I have personal to me.

He will not return, IN THE SENSE OF BEING REBORN IN A HUMAN BODY, by the end of the [coming] events¹, because, first, he wouldn’t be crucified, but perhaps shot to death, or tied to a car bomb, such are the savage desires that dominate the current humankind where factions kill in the name of religion and in the name of what he said or did not say. Second, if He returned physically, or even made a ghostly apparition, could mean for the more desperate the death throes of humanity, that is, the end without escape!

He knows that our humanity has a karma nothing positive, considering that, because of him, thousands of people died in the mouths of lions, [and] still dying in other ways until today and therefore he would not want again be the trigger for new and uncontrollable misfortunes among those people who act like the scorpion that when feeling cornered or faced with imminent danger stings himself with his own venom! So too are the actions of extraterrestrials that appear stealthily, here and there, taking one or another for a walk, because when they come at once in our skies it will mean that the time has come and it’s very close! Some [of them] who ventured or crashed into our planet were imprisoned and killed, massacred mercilessly! So would Jesus!


DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Breault]

¹ After the general changes that Earth will have to go through, for when we have another humanity, he can come back as a new Avatar without being liquidated.


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