Effects of House Lord Dashas

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Simply put, Lord dashas are the active periods of each Zodiac Sign’s ruler assigned as the house of one’s horoscope. For Taurus ascendants, for example, the dasha of Scorpio means the dasha of the 7th house and its Lord, which is the period that activates the issues related to the 7th house, its Lord and its placement in the horoscope. The effects of Dasha apply to Maha, Antar and Pratyantar dashas.

Dasha of 1st Lord

Ascendant Lord (AL) is the most important planet in any native chart. Ascendant is the base of our birth in this life, hence any time ascendant lord dasha always brings significant event in the life. here are the salient points of results of Ascendant Lord (AL) dasha.

  • If AL is strong, exalted and placed in Kendra or Trikona houses, it will bless the native with good health, name & fame, promotions, high status etc.
  • If ascendant lord is debilitated or conjunct with 6th or 8th Lord, one may face diseases depending on the nature of conjunct planet. AL + Sun = bones, heart; AL + Moon = cough cold; AL + Mars = blood pressure, surgery; AL + Mercury = skin; AL + Venus = uterus, sperm, urine; AL + Saturn = joint pain; AL + Jupiter = overweight or extra growth.
  • AL and 10th Lord conjunction = one can expect elevation in status, acquiring top government position.
  • AL + 12th Lord = one can earn through foreign sources. If 5th Lord is also involved, education in foreign land. Weak 12th Lord or AL can even send native to jail or be blamed from the government or authority officials.
  • Any major event of life usually occurs when AL Maha/Antar/Pratyantar-Dasha is operating.
  • As 2nd and 7th are the Maraka houses, the conjunction with a weak 2nd or 7th Lord can cause day to day sufferings.
  • Strengthening Ascendant Lord or wearing Its stones can help in minimizing the malefic effects during their dasha.

Dasha of 2nd Lord

2nd House is primarily the house of wealth and family. Apart from that, it is also a Maraka house along with 7th house. Per Parasara, 2nd house is also a neutral house; hence, 2nd Lord’s dasha can be auspicious or inauspicious depending on its association with benefic or malefic planets. Below are some salient points which can be observed during the dasha of the 2nd Lord.

  • If 2nd Lord is strong and auspicious, the native accumulates wealth and create assets.
  • Association with 2nd Lord indicates the source of income. For example, if 2nd Lord is placed in 10th house or with 10th Lord the income is through profession; with 9th Lord/House, income is through father or spirituality; with 8th Lord/House, it’s through legacy, others’ finances or hidden/sudden means; with 4th Lord/House, income is through mother, land, vehicles; with 3rd Lord/House, is through siblings, short travels, communication; with 12th Lord/House, income is through hospitals, export or foreign means.
  • If 2nd Lord is posited with malefics, one can expect bodily suffering. The extent of suffering depends on the extent of malefic effect.
  • 2nd house being the house of family, one can expect birth, child or marriage during this period.
  • If 2nd Lord is weak or placed with 12th Lord/House, one would not be able to control expenses in this dasha.
  • 2nd Lord association with 4th Lord/House indicates income will bring happiness in life and it will be through the means of 4th house elements.
  • As 2nd House is also the house of possessions, the native can be very possessive about achievements during the dasha.
  • Being 12th from 3rd house, the younger sibling may travel to foreign country.
  • At old age, above 60, 2nd Lord dasha can cause serious health issue.
  • Being 8th from 7th house, if other combinations indicate marital issues, that may surface during 2nd lord dasha.

Dasha of 3rd Lord

3rd House is an Upachaya house and house of self-efforts. Any malefic planet placed in this house usually imparts very good results. Here we are discussing the dasha effect of 3rd lord and the following are the salient points of outcome of 3rd Lord dasha.

  • Usually, 3rd Lord dasha is considered to be a malefic dasha as 3rd house is 8th from 8th house and, as such, the native’s soul may depart in this dasha.
  • However, being the house of self-effort, one may progress very well as freelancer, own business and put lot of efforts to achieve the results.
  • 3rd being the house of sibling, either sibling is born in this dasha or overall health of sibling can be accessed.
  • If 3rd lord is strongly placed, one would be successful in his ventures. 3rd also being house of hobbies, one may purse his hobbies seriously.
  • The native also gains weight in the dasha of 3rd
  • If 3rd is conjunct or aspected by malefic planets one may face issues with ear, respiratory system, and communication.
  • The native is fortunate, if this dasha falls in the young age as house major attributes matches with the age.
  • Usually, there is division of property during this dasha.

Dasha of 4th Lord

4th is the house of mother, mental peace, domestic home, real estate, landed property and vehicles. The salient points of this dasha are as follows.

  • If the 4th Lord is strong and well placed, the native achieves very high position in the society. The person also attains popularity among the masses.
  • Being the house of conveyance and vehicles, one acquires vehicles. The strong the house, the bigger is the vehicle. If 10th Lord is also connected, one may enjoy government vehicle.
  • If the 4th House has any connection with 6th Lord/House, one must resort to loan for acquiring the vehicle.
  • Being the house of property, home and real estate, one may invest in a new house, purchase new land or expands the existing house during dashas of 4th
  • If 4th Lord is associated with 12th or 9th Lord, there can be opportunities to change of residence in the dasha periods.
  • As the house of mental peace, if the 4th Lord is weak and its dasha is running, one may lose inner peace because of family or property issues.
  • 4th house is also the house of mother. If along with Moon and 4th Lord is weak, then this dasha can cause serious health issues to mother.
  • Being the house of democracy, the native can win elections, provided it is strongly placed.
  • Being 12th house from the 5th house (of children), one can expect children moving to foreign countries.

Dasha of 5th Lord

5th is the house of children, graduation in education, love affairs, Purva Punya Sthana (house of good karma from the previous life), reciting mantras, entertainment, shared market, speculation, etc. During the dasha of 5th Lord, the results pertaining to these aspects are usually experienced. Some important observations are as follows.

  • Being the house of children, the chance of having kids in this period is usually very strong during this dasha.
  • If it is well placed, the native will get maturity in his thinking and undertake work. The person will use wisdom to make the right decision.
  • The native also develops acquaintances with the opposite sex of high status.
  • Being 8th from the 10th house, the native may move to a new position or a new job.
  • The native suddenly gets inclination towards share market or other speculative sectors.
  • Very powerful period for actors, professional players and who are in entertainment industry.
  • If the horoscope has yoga of spiritual development, one can chant mantras for his or others well-being.
  • As it is also the house of love affair, one can easily fall in love during this dasha, especially if the native is young. If the horoscope shows extramarital affairs, the native can be in love after marriage also.
  • The concentration of mind is usually powerful if the 5th Lord is strong.
  • As 5th house also represents our heart, one may have some issues related to the heart, if 5th Lord is associated with malefics.

Dasha of 6th Lord

6th is the house of obstacles, court cases, debts, service, enemies, health issues, etc. As per Maharshi Parasara, 6th Lord usually brings inauspicious results. However, if 6th Lord is well placed, will bring benefits to some extent.

  • The native will take loans in the dashas of 6th Lord and be unable to repay. However, if 6th Lord is weak, the native may return the loans.
  • If 6th Lord is strong, the native will win court cases and defeat his enemies.
  • Usually, 6th Lord dasha is excellent for body builders, nutritionists and doctors, especially in homeopathy and ayurveda. The native may excel in the field of healing.
  • As 6th is also the house of struggle, one can overcome all hurdles in its dashas, if the lord is well placed.
  • Being the house of divorce and secret relationship of spouse, the marriage may get strained if similar yogas are present in the horoscope.
  • 6th house is also the 9th from 10th house; hence, the service condition is usually stable during 6th Lord dasha.
  • Relationship with maternal relatives may get strained or improved, depending on the strength of 6th
  • If 6th Lord has any connection with 12th Lord, then the native may face problems while staying in a foreign land during this dasha.
  • The health must be analyzed, especially in 6th Lord dasha. Whichever lord is associated with 6th Lord, the health issues may be predicted.

Dasha of 7th Lord

7th is the house of marriage, relationships, partnerships, name and fame, masses, and death. Usually, 7th Lord dasha brings the results in these aspects. The salient points are as follows:

  • Marriage is the prime subject to be looked during Maha/Antar-Dasha of 7th If 7th Lord is strong, then definitely marriage takes place, or, if already existing, then it will be strengthened. If 7th Lord is weak, problems related to marriage can be expected.
  • As 7th House is the house of 2nd child, hence the child can also be predicted.
  • A benefic 7th Lord brings an opportunity for business partnerships which yields benefit to the native.
  • In dasha of weak 7th house, native gets the tendency of making money through unscrupulous and illegal means, indulges in extramarital affairs and gets into the habit of drinking.
  • The native may suffer from kidney, intestine, and urinary related diseases. For females, the diseases can be related to uterus.
  • The popularity of the native rises or the person attains a powerful position during 7th Lord as 7th House is 10th from 10th
  • Being the house of foreign placement, the native may decide to settle in foreign land.
  • 7th House being a Maraka house can be fatal especially if it is placed along with 2nd, 8th or Saturn.
  • being 4th from 4th House, property and vehicle may be acquired during 7th Lord dasha.
  • If 7th Lord is benefic, it can especially more fatal as Maraka.

Dasha of 8th Lord

8th is the house of longevity, windfall gains/losses, insurance, sudden events, misfortunes, accidents, surgeries, etc. The following are some salient points.

  • Dasha of 8th Lord can be fearful, but not when the 8th Lord is placed in own house.
  • The native suffers from suspicion, fear and will doubt others.
  • If 8th Lord is strong, the native will gain from insurance, wills and/or lotteries. The native also gets success in adventurous tasks.
  • 8th Lord being 11th from the 10th house, the native may get sudden fall or rise in status depending on the strength of 8th Lord and 8th
  • 8th house is also the house of secret activities. In this dasha, native may get involved in secret affairs including love. As 8th Lord also indicates conjugal bliss, one may expect problems in marriage life if the horoscope also supports this.
  • Being a house of sudden events, one may meet with unexpected accidents or surgeries.
  • If the chart which indicates spiritual or ascetic yoga, one can attain siddhis (supernatural powers) during 8th Lord dasha.
  • if 8th Lord has any connection with 2nd or 11th Lord, the rise or fall in wealth is also expected.
  • Being of house of longevity, one may complete its life’s journey in 8th Lord dasha, especially if 8th has any association with Saturn.

Dasha of 9th Lord

9th is the house of dharma, wealth, fortune, travelling, long distance journeys, higher studies, religious beliefs, father, etc. In this dasha, these aspects of life can be predicted. The salient points in this dasha are as follows.

  • As 9th house is the most powerful Trikona house, any connection with Kendra lord can bring rise in fortune during 9th Lord dasha.
  • If 9th Lord is well placed, one can expect long distance journeys within and outside the country. Any connection with 12th Lord can bring settlement in foreign country.
  • Being house of higher studies, the native may get enrolled or obtain PHD degree during 9th Lord dasha. Apart from PHD, one may also get enrolled into any degrees in addition to his graduation degree.
  • 9th house is the house of father. Hence, if 9th Lord is well placed one can expect rise in fortune of father also.
  • Being 12th from 10th house, the native may lose the job and get into a new job.
  • 9th house is also the house of gurus. One may get diksha (initiation) during the dasha of 9th If someone is searching for gurus, the native may finally choose his Spiritual guru. Whether Guru will be good or bad depends on 9th Lord being malefic or benefic.
  • Being 5th from 5th house, a child can also be expected during the dasha of 9th
  • For females, 9th house is house of fortune through marriage. Single women can get married in this dasha.
  • If 9th Lord is weak, there will be delay and obstacles in the progress, the native may face impediments in service. The person will be obsessed with wrong beliefs especially if the 9th Lord is placed with Rahu.
  • If 9th Lord is retrograde, there can be complete transformation during this dasha.

Dasha of 10th Lord

10th is the house of career, status, name and fame, government, deeds and probably the most important house in the chart. Among the Kendra houses, 10th house is the most powerful. Hence, a well-placed 10th Lord will carry out one’s karmas in a positive manner. The following events can be observed during its dasha.

  • As a rule, if 10th Lord is well placed, one gets fame, elevation in status and living standard.
  • There will be overall progress in life if 10th Lord is not afflicted.
  • If 10th Lord is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th or 9th house or associated with their lords, one can expect rise in status in the dashas of 10th
  • Those who are into business, all the obstacles will be removed and there will be notoriety in their network circle.
  • If 10th Lord is benefic and posited in benefic house, one’s deeds will be pure and carry out several charities in this dasha.
  • An inauspicious dasha of 10th Lord brings punishment from government, loss in the business, conflict at home and the work place.
  • Being Maraka house for father, it causes suffering to the father.
  • If 10th Lord is associated with 8th or 12th Lord, then in their dashas one can expect change in job profile.
  • If 10th Lord is placed 6th from 10th house, then one may expect hurdles during the dasha.
  • Being the house of the spouse’s mother; a weak 10th Lord can cause some health issues to the native’s mother-in-law.
  • During the dasha of inauspicious 10th Lord, one accumulates a big quantum of bad deeds.

Dasha of 11th Lord

11th is the house of accomplishments, fulfillment of desires, elder siblings, network circle, status and position. It is a very important house when it comes to fructification of results. Although 11th Lord is considered as inauspicious, the association with Yoga Karaka planets will bring happiness into the native’s life. The following are the salient points observed during dashas of 11th Lord.

  • If 11th Lord is well placed, exalted or associated with strong and auspicious planets, all desires are fulfilled in this dasha.
  • 11th house being the 5th from the 7th house of marriage, the native can be blessed with child during dasha of 11th
  • 11th is the house of gain from investments; hence, the native may gain from investments in share market and monetary funds.
  • If the 11th Lord has some positive association with the 12th Lord, one can gain through foreigners or foreign assignments.
  • If 11th Lord is weaker than the 10th Lord, then the native has to struggle very hard to fulfill the heart desires.
  • Depending on 11th Lord being benefic or malefic, the native will get associated with good or bad friends.
  • 11th House is also the house of status along with 7th and 10th Therefore, one will gain status in the society during the dashas of this planet.
  • If the 11th house has any connection with 5th or 7th house, one may fall get into love affairs during dashas of 11th
  • Weak 11th Lord causes losses in business, failure in business ventures, fall in status and loss of elder brother during its dasha.
  • If 11th Lord is associated with 2nd or 9th Lord, one can expect lots of wealth during its dashas.

Dasha of 12th Lord

12th is the house of expenses, meditation, hospitals, loss of life, bed pleasures, etc. Whenever 12th Lord gets activated, these aspects of life manifest in the native’s life. A few important points can be noted during dasha of 12th lord, as follows.

  • Expenses usually go out of control and the native suffers on monetary terms.
  • Especially nowadays, when loans and credit cards are easy available, 12th Lord manifests its true color, leading the native to spend and accumulate debts easily.
  • Being the house of hospitals, one may be hospitalized at least once.
  • This is an excellent dasha for meditation and strengthening intuitive skills. The native may be inclined towards learning energy healing, retrogression therapy, etc.
  • Being 4th from 9th house, it is the house for paternal grandmother, her health issues can also be experienced during 12th Lord dasha.
  • If 12th Lord has any connection with 4th House or Lord, one can expect change in home during this period.
  • One can also expect foreign journeys or settlement abroad in this dasha.
  • If 12th Lord is well associated with 2nd Lord, the native earns from foreign sources during dasha of 12th
  • One can also get opportunity for bed pleasures or secret affairs in the dasha of 12th
  • As 12th is also the house of loss of fame, one may face humiliation in job or because of extra marital affairs.
  • It is also the house of incarceration. Therefore, one may find some kind of restriction in life during 12th Lord dashas. The restriction can be physical or mental.
Credit: Avi Kalachakra


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